Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Mani Spinx - Black Mamba (2008)


Mr. Mani Spinx is a Danish experimental pop artist. Appreciated by Danish album reviewers for his willing to try out a thousand different genres on every album, Mani doesn't recieve shitloads of airplay at home. Actually, he just doesn't get shitloads of airplay at all. The music can be described as "a happy charmeleon on drugs" or just as "pop". Not the stupid kind of pop, though. Cool tracks includes the extremely annoying, but still very addictive C'mon which has been played just a little bit on Danish radio.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi! Any chance of posting Mani Spinx first album? I heard "Last night in america" and loved it!
Thanx for this sweet blog and all this cool music!