TV On The Radio is a 5-piece team of like-minded individuals from Brooklyn, who like to play experimental indie music. And by experimental indie music, i mean synths, jazz instruments, electric guitars and groovy beats, all packed together on one fucking awesome album.
Believe me, you can't put these guys in one genre. They have experimented their way through 4 albums, and have not yet done anything average. Let's just call it avantgarde.
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i'll say this much: i've loved everything they've done until this record. i'm just not digging it as much as their other releases. maybe this is another one of those records that take time, but i've never needed time with a tv on the radio record before. maybe they've peaked?
Well, you can never know, it has worked immediately on me! But you can say that TV On The Radio sure are capable of making an album that grows on you. Some of their stuff is quite genius - I've just experienced that.
Cheers, and good luck with the album,
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