Sunday, June 22, 2008

Sigur Rós - Með Suð Í Eyrum Við Spilum Endalaust (2008)

Here's the latest outcome from our friends in the north, Sigur Rós. It's long and unpronouncable title, is Icelandic and translates to "With Ringing in Our Ears We Play Endlessly". This album is a little more alive, than it's preceder, Hvarf-Heim, but the band certainly keeps it's very "quiet" style.

The music video to the ablums first single, "Gobbledigook", featuring a bunch of young happy people, running and dancing around naked in the wood, was of strange reasons removed from Youtube.

Download - Megaupload


Do enjoy


Z. said...

Hello. Nice music selection here.
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Wanna share it?

Z. said...

Not needed anymore.