Monday, June 16, 2008

Fleet Foxes - Fleet Foxes (2008)


What time is it? I bet it's glorious indie-folk time! Fleet Foxes are American, and their self-titled debut album (called Fleet Foxes, if there are any doubts) has recieved shit loads of acclaim. Maximum caracthers from the likes of The Guardian, The Times,, Consequence Of Sound and Danish music magazine GAFFA say pretty much. And yes, it is good. In fact, it's brilliant. This is fine (but kind of fragile) melodies, amazing vocal harmonies and no pompousness at all. It all feels some kind of underplayed, but it still sounds like the band have put everything they have into it.
If you like charming indie-folk, then Fleet Foxes will more than do the job. They will do a damn good job!

Download - Rapidshare

May the force be with you,

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